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Bukowski Stóll

Bukowski Stóll

New Works

A throwback to mid-century modern? Not quite. Extreme proportions lend themselves to an elegant and surprising form in this update to an old classic. The smooth, yet decisive, shift between slim and solid, which creates the chair’s curvaceous legs, is played out like a lively dance with the material. Meanwhile the balance of the weight towards the ground gives the chair a strong and monumental feel. Centered in the sculptural structure is an upholstered seat, opening for different expressions through the combinations of wood and textile. With its bold geometry, the Bukowski chair shows off a striking silhouette, instantly recognisable, indefinably familiar, and completely its own.

Designer: Steven Bukowski, 2022

Verðbil: 220.000-310.000

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H72 x B75 x D 46cm

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Flos hefur á undanförnum 50 árum skapað sér sess meðal virtustu ljósaframleiðenda heims. Framleiðsla Flos byggir á því að tvinna saman list og hönnun – handverk og iðnað. Hjá Flos má finna klassísk verk eftir snillinga fortíðarinnar í bland við upprennandi hönnuði samtímans.


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