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O-Space - Hangandi Ljós

O-Space - Hangandi Ljós


ATH! Vörum á afslætti er hvorki hægt að skila né skipta.

Is it a spaceship, a luminous casket, a letter from a new alphabet? The O-Space suspension lamp is all this and more, an unmistakable sign in space.

Suspension lamp with diffused and direct light. Diffuser composed of two shells in high-density expanded polyurethane assembled and glued. The lighting part in polished chromed metal is placed in the lower shell where, through a circular hole protected by a glass disk with acidity finish, it conveys a beam of light downwards.

Two stainless steel suspension cables and transparent electric cable, ceiling rose with galvanized metal bracket and polished chrome-plated metal cover.
Rosette decentralization kit available.

Regular price 78.000 kr.
Sale price 78.000 kr. Regular price 160.000 kr.
Sale Sold out


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