Aaro vegglampi
Aaro vegglampi
Wall lamp in steel and aluminium. The starting point of Aaro was a gesture. A movement. Simon Schmitz wanted to create an as fluid motion as possible, which immediately lead him to the sphere. The end result is an object that seems to be moved by the wind. It revolves effortless around it's centerpiece, like planets orbiting around each other.Wall lamp in steel and aluminium. The starting point of Aaro was a gesture. A movement. Simon Schmitz wanted to create an as fluid motion as possible, which immediately lead him to the sphere. The end result is an object that seems to be moved by the wind. It revolves effortless around it's centerpiece, like planets orbiting around each other.
Hönnuður: Simon Schmitz
Nánar um vöru
ál, stál
Stærð: 64 x 155 x 16 cm
Meira efni
Flos hefur á undanförnum 50 árum skapað sér sess meðal virtustu ljósaframleiðenda heims. Framleiðsla Flos byggir á því að tvinna saman list og hönnun – handverk og iðnað. Hjá Flos má finna klassísk verk eftir snillinga fortíðarinnar í bland við upprennandi hönnuði samtímans.