Bug Hleðslulampi
Bug Hleðslulampi
Meet Bug, the largest member of the Humble family. The Humble Bug is like a gentle giant – larger than the rest, yet with a soft presence. A cozy mood creator that’s perfect for your terrace or living area. With a robust battery, the Humble Bug offers up to 90 hours of delightful light after charging.
The Humble Bug is a wireless table lamp that subtly demands attention. It’s a statement piece suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Place it on a sideboard, in your study, or during an outdoor dinner. It adapts like a chameleon to your moment – whether cozy, romantic, or incredibly practical. Additionally, the Humble Bug pairs with your smart lighting, letting you control it through your phone, voice, switch, or motion sensor. Note: you’ll need a bridge for this feature. The Humble Bug operates on Zigbee 3.0.
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