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Daphine Borðlampi

Daphine Borðlampi


A few years after the launch of the Daphine, a floor-standing version was introduced to extend its range of uses. The Daphine Terra is still in great demand as a reading light to place by seating or bedside. Its 2-segment arm and freely adjustable head allow light to be trained where it’s needed for maximum visual comfort. Both segments of the arm – of different, nicely proportioned lengths – can be set at various angles. By adjusting their relative positions, and that of the diffuser, the Daphine Terra can be given a great variety of configurations to train its light in precisely the right spot. The Daphine Terra isn’t only a reading lamp though: it’s also ideal for ambient light, being powerful enough to deliver diffused lighting by pointing the beam at a wall. The bulkier cast iron base ensures perfect stability. Like Daphine, the Daphine Terra comes in the classic halogen version (for the European market only) or with a LED source, in which the electromechanical transformer has made way for the electronics that guarantee higher luminous power, extremely high colour quality, low working temperature and lower energy consumption.

Designer: Tommaso Cimini, 1975

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