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Dot 800 - Hangandi Ljós

Dot 800 - Hangandi Ljós


Dot is a family of pendant lamps designed by Foster + Partners to make luminaires look like disks of light. Their design neatly combines formal rigour and the most advanced lighting technology. Dot has two differently sized parallel disks connected through their centres by a thin metal tube. The bottom, smaller disk is turned aluminium and contains a LED ring optically engineered to cast a high quantity of light onto the top disk, the diffuser, made of lacquered aluminium. The high-powered source generates an amount of heat that the bottom disk could not dissipate on its own. The problem was solved by placing a special heat sink (used in the aerospace industry) in the thin tube connecting the disks. Its function is to thermally connect the LED circuit to a heat dissipator housed in the top disk. On being switched on, the Dot is a thin, lightweight disk, seemingly suspended in mid-air, that generates an enveloping flux of light without shadows.

Venjulegt verð 375.000 kr.
Söluverð 375.000 kr. Venjulegt verð
Útsala Uppselt

Hönnuður: Foster + Partners

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