Illan Veggljós
Illan Veggljós
Light form, technological innovation and sustainability are the traits of the new wall version of Illan designed by Zsuzsanna Horvath for Luceplan. The Illan wall lamp is formed by an element of die-cast aluminium attached to the wall, containing an LED source that emits a soft, warm glow upward.
Attached to the casting, the structure in laser-cut layered wood, extremely thin and flexible (diameter 31 cm) clads the body of the lamp and determines the characteristic geometric design of Illan. The shade is obtained from the surplus from the production of the Illan suspension model, namely the scraps from the sheet of wood utilized to cut out the lamp.
Hönnuður: Zsuzsanna Horvath

Nánar um vöru
Extra flexible plywood
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