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IOI Coffee Large Borð

IOI Coffee Large Borð


The IOI Coffee Tables by GamFratesi are a celebration of Italian materiality, featuring solid brass, steel, and now travertine. Drawing on geometric Art Deco references with a contemporary design language, the collection explores the empty space between the physical form as much as the form itself. Striking and unique, the IOI Collection takes its name from the structure of the table legs, each of which is formed from twin metal tubes linked by a sphere of brass the letters I-O-I rendered in physical form. Retaining this slender base, in black or chrome options, GUBI’s new edition introduces a new material and color to the circular tabletop travertine in Rippled Beige and refines its shape. The sides are rounded to create a U-shaped edge that arcs evenly on the top and bottom. At two different heights and diameters, the IOI Coffee Tables work well in pairs, groups and even clusters or alone as a single table alongside GUBI’s extensive range of lounge chairs and sofas.

Designer: Gamfratesi

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H35cm Ø 100 cm

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Flos hefur á undanförnum 50 árum skapað sér sess meðal virtustu ljósaframleiðenda heims. Framleiðsla Flos byggir á því að tvinna saman list og hönnun – handverk og iðnað. Hjá Flos má finna klassísk verk eftir snillinga fortíðarinnar í bland við upprennandi hönnuði samtímans.


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