Margin Gólflampi
Margin Gólflampi
New Works
The Concept Margin series is designer John Astbury's modern interpretation of a classic screen lamp. The light diffuses softly through the overlapping shades and instantly sets the tone with warmth and coziness. The softness of the organic canvas is kept in check by a clean and graphic silhouette, which gives the lamps volume and appearance in the room. The table lamp does particularly well on the side table in the living room or hallway, but can also be placed in the bedroom to provide a relaxed and calm atmosphere. The muted colors and details that adorn Margin help to emphasize the aesthetics of the lamps and let their special character unfold.
Hönnuður: John Astbury
Nánar um vöru
Powder coated steel with textile shade
H: 153 x Ø: 46 cm
Meira efni
Flos hefur á undanförnum 50 árum skapað sér sess meðal virtustu ljósaframleiðenda heims. Framleiðsla Flos byggir á því að tvinna saman list og hönnun – handverk og iðnað. Hjá Flos má finna klassísk verk eftir snillinga fortíðarinnar í bland við upprennandi hönnuði samtímans.