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Semi Pendant 47cm

Semi Pendant 47cm

The Semi Pendant is a unique pendant lamp, based on two quarter-circles put together, back-to-back. It's distinctive arch-shaped, enamelled metal shade creates a diffused, cone-shaped light, ideal over a dining table or kitchen work surface. With its lightness of form, unique timeless design and range of colours and sizes, the Semi Pendant is extremely versatile and well suited to both private and public spaces. The Semi Pendant was designed in 1968 as a product of the creative partnership between Claus Bonderup and Torsten Thorup. Reacting against the soft organic forms, the so-called cosy era, that was dominating Denmark at the time, Bonderup and Thorup wanted to create a lamp that incorporated sharp, clean lines and a geometric shape. Their design was submitted for a competition at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture and won first prize. In the 1980s the pendant achieved great success and became, at that time, the best-selling Danish design and gained worldwide recognition and iconic status.

Venjulegt verð 92.000 kr.
Söluverð 92.000 kr. Venjulegt verð
Útsala Uppselt

Hönnuður: Claus Bonderup & Torsten Thorup

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H:23.5 x Ø:47 cm

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Flos hefur á undanförnum 50 árum skapað sér sess meðal virtustu ljósaframleiðenda heims. Framleiðsla Flos byggir á því að tvinna saman list og hönnun – handverk og iðnað. Hjá Flos má finna klassísk verk eftir snillinga fortíðarinnar í bland við upprennandi hönnuði samtímans.


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